We are proud to announce that the feature film “Guys Reading Poems” will host an open mic night under the same name on Thursday, December 15th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Shaky Alibi (7401 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90036). “Guys Reading Poems (open mic edition)” will continue on Thursday, January 5th and Thursday, January 19th, subsequently running on the first and third Thursday of every month.

“Reading a poem out loud can be cathartic or inspiring or even a fitting tribute to someone you love or someone you lost. I’ve seen as much during the last year of traveling with our film ‘Guys Reading Poems’ and so we’ve decided to start producing a ‘Guys Reading Poems’ open mic night,” says director Hunter Lee Hughes.

The line-up of attendees and readers at the December 15th launch of the series includes many of the actors in the film, including Patricia Velasquez, Jerod Meagher, Vincent Montuel, Chris Crema as well as Hughes, who says of the purpose of the evening, “There is so much anger and hate in the world right now, much of it coming from men. Perhaps the solution to guys lashing out, guys stealing, guys shooting up schools may start with guys reading poems. We’re hoping that a concept that allows guys to express themselves through poetry will make the world a little more livable.”


Shaky Alibi will host the inaugural “Guys Reading Poems (open mic edition)”

To participate, poets may text the word “rsvp” to (424) 34-POEMS. There will be 20 slots available for poets and readers for the December 15th performance. Performers are asked to limit themselves to one poem that’s less than three minutes in length when performed, as our priority is making sure as many people as possible get a chance to perform. If more than 20 sign up to read, the additional readers will be placed on a waitlist. If, due to time constraints, a poet is not able to perform on December 15th, he/she may choose to be placed on the rsvp list as readers for the January 5th or January 19th events.

Shaky Alibi is located on Beverly Boulevard between La Brea and Fairfax.